From pottery to people : New insights into the Lapita sites of the Bismarck Archipelago and the beginning of the Austronesian diaspora into the Pacific

Title:From pottery to people: New insights into the Lapita sites of the Bismarck Archipelago and the beginning of the Austronesian diaspora into the Pacific.
Speaker:Nicholas Hogg 何尼克(2022台灣外交部獎助金學人/中研院史語所訪問學者)
Location:清華大學人社院C304教室 HSS C304
Sponsors:清華大學人類學研究所 (IOA)、清華大學世界南島曁原住民族中心 (CWAIP)

The arrival of the “Lapita peoples” ca. 3300 years ago signals an abrupt change in the 50,000-year archaeological record of Papua New Guinea. Marked by a heavy coastal focus for settlement, the use of a unique range of portable items of material culture, and the movement of material and people through expansive interaction networks, the Lapita populations represent a significant deviation from what had come before. Bringing together a diverse range of newly compiled data resulting from the analysis of the ceramic, radiocarbon and archaeobotanical records, this research looks to further our understanding of the lives of these early populations in greater detail than ever before. Topics covered will include the chronology of these populations upon their arrival in the Western Pacific, the cultural backgrounds of the populations involved, the critical networks of interaction and exchange they established and maintained with communities around the region following arrival, and the production of Lapita pottery for inclusion within these networks. Finally, recently completed research into the production of Lapita stilt-structures, a highly distinctive aspect of Lapita settlement, will be reviewed and a world’s first attempt at radiocarbon wiggle-match dating